This is What Abundance Looks Like


I was recently blessed with an opportunity to harvest Hawthorn and Rosehips in western New York. (Give thanks to my sweethearts who chilled in DC so mama could stretch her wings on a solo road trip). I’d been hearing the call of Hawthorn, and as serendipity would have it, a good friend called to tell me she’d discovered several Crataegus trees on their land! Not only that, they were bursting with ripe haws. And not only that, but the rose hips were also in full effect. The family that ripens together perhaps? In addition to Hawthorn and Rose, the Rose family includes apples and apricots. Yum!


Every Rose (and Haw) Has Its Thorn
Hawthorn and Rosehips contain bioflavonoids and support cardiovascular functioning. They are both uplifting to the spirit and strengthen the emotional heart.

After sitting with Hawthorn and Rose, I feel more aware that an open heart is a beautiful thing, and upon closer inspection, those formidable thorns along the branches and stems remind me to be cautious and discerning.


We bought big bottles of 100 proof vodka (always funny at the liquor store) a huge jar of local honey, and made medicines to last the winter and beyond. You can use dried berries and hips; just don’t fill the jar like we do with fresh plant material.


Self Care is Healthcare Starter Kit
Self-care is a popular topic lately. As it should be. And I wonder if the word self has taken on a negative connotation. We must have a place within from which to give and be of service to others. Self-care will always benefit everyone around us. Nourishing Herbal Infusions, to use a term coined by my teacherfriend Susun Weed, are one of my favorite ways to ensure we’re getting an abundance of nutrients, without needing supplements or pills.

The making of infusions can itself be an important ritual, in that we are weighing, pouring, stirring, squeezing, hearing the whistle of a kettle, maybe dancing or singing while the water boils? However simple or elaborate, in 5 easy steps your infusion is ready to enjoy. And to make it even easier, we put together this Starter Kit with enough dried herbs to drink a quart of infusion a day for 3 to 6 weeks; you just have to promise to tell me all about it!


Infusion and Tincture Tastings
Getting to know plants is like getting to know people. Host an intimate get together with friends and taste a variety of herbal infusions, tinctures, vinegars, and honeys. Learn to make your own and take a bottle or jar home with you. Talk plants with other curious and knowledgeable folks. I’ll bring the supplies; you provide the space, the people, and a stipend for supplies. No one turned away, collecting donations for attendance is welcomed and encouraged.

Let’s Be Well Together
I want to make clear the distinction between products and services when it comes to this space I call House of Lukaya. I make a variety of medicinals and handicrafts that are the culmination and continuation of my life path. I also, slowly, very slowly, have begun more formally engaging in Wellness Consultations with individual clients. Access to care is an important part of my herbalism and I offer these consults on a sliding scale; they include hours of interaction, research, referrals, tinctures, and herbs for infusion.

Of course, like most people, I need financial compensation for the products I make, barter doesn’t always work with the larger companies most of us must engage with on a regular basis. That said, when it comes to the contents of my heart and head, I learn about herbal medicine to help those around me and myself. Reach out if you feel I can be of assistance. If you are able to pay, please do. If not, please don't let fiat currency (dollars, euros, etc) get in the way of the care you need and deserve.

                    Happy October!



  • Greetings Samantha!
    My apologies for the late response. I didn’t get a notification about your comment. Just saw it now.
    I’m sure you’ve found out, but I recommend linden flower and comfrey leaf for double brewing. I also love to leave the marshmallow root infusion unstrained, then refill the jar with cold water, leave in the fridge awhile and enjoy. I do this a few times until the taste fades away.
    Again, my apologies for the late response!
    Stay well,

  • Greetings beautiful wise sister,
    I am wondering which of the nourishing herbal infusions herbs you recommend for the double brew method?
    Congratulations on your journey with Hawthorn and Rose! The most wonderful of experiences in this life is getting to know our green sisters! Much love to you!

  • Thank you for reading and sharing your dandelion adventures! I’m happy to hear about this. Next time, dry some of the plant before making infusion, an important step when making a water preparation. (I think you just inspired a new post :-) peace and love!

  • Greetings Lucretia!

    I abSoUlutely enjoyed this blog as it resonates with me on such a deep level. I’ve had such a beautiful experience being in the mountains of Berkely Springs , West Virginia about 2 weeks ago and just breathing in all the freshness that the trees were offering, I must say my connection was very intimate with all of that was around me, especially during a time where the seasons are in the midst of changing and things coming to a time of completion, deep rest, and birth in the most subtle way. What really spoke to me during a meditation that I dedicated to the plants, is dandelion. I decided to make an infusion because
    my mind kept thinking about it so much I knew that it was the trees and grass, and the plants and the birds were all speaking to me and through me. So , I did it! I made a Dandelion infusion and introduced myself to the plant. I stayed with Dandelion for a week and A LOT CAME UP AND THROUGH ME. There was some residual anger that was in the nooks of my tissues. Dandelion really pulled it out. I sat and meditated on what was still there, wrote about it and created solutions. So I thank you for your blog to bring forth awareness to others. Introducing yourself to plants is exactly like introducing yourself to new people. I am so happy to do so! Askia is also very gentle and from time to time I see him speaking to the plants and telling them how beautiful they are. I am so honoured to know you Lucretia, your blogs I receive are always amazing. All the best on your journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jasmine Flower

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